

In the field of perfumes, we offer a wide range of brands of all price ranges. Thanks to the fact that we buy from proven distributors in large quantities, we are able to offer our clients prices that they do not receive elsewhere. At the same time, thanks to a clear pricing policy, you will always know how much volume discount you can get. In our portfolio we have local brands as well as established traditional products of leading world brands. We guarantee the origin and original of each package, whether it is a classic perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette or cologne. We follow long-term and emerging trends and have sales data, so we are able to recommend our products to our clients, which do not stay in stock. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.


Whether you are a wholesaler, beauty shop, hair salon or beauty studio, we can adapt the offer to all sizes and forms of business. Professional hair cosmetics is an area in which we have a long-term experience, we know the needs of our customers and we can respond flexibly to current market trends. We regularly organize trainings for hairdressing studio operators, introduce them to new products and share our know-how on practical examples. Thanks to this, our clients are among the first to bring innovations, which will subsequently affect the satisfaction of their customers. If you are looking for a strong partner who will always fulfill what he promised, who knows in detail the products he sells, then you no longer have to read and you can contact us directly.


In the Beauty category, we can offer a complete range of products from most brands that your customers might be interested in. Everything is clearly cataloged and the vast majority of our goods is in stock. We are constantly updating our offer and only offer products that are well sold and in demand. All products from facial care products to body cosmetics have their proven origins. We carefully verify the suppliers from whom we purchase goods and the quality of their products. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to provide you with further information.